Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm Back

Sorry for my absence. I have spent the last week in bed with the weirdest, most horrible migraine I have ever had. Deep throbbing pain with sharp stabbing pains as well. Ouch! It was extremely painful. I managed to comment on a few people's blogs before the computer screen caused me too much pain but I couldn't bring myself to write my own. I took a painkiller this morning and slept all day and now I feel much better. I am so glad my kids all go to school!

They are real sweethearts when I am unwell. They give me lots of hugs and kisses and my daughters send me 'I love you so much' text messages.

There's not much to blog about when you've just been asleep all day so I'll leave you with this:

Highs of the Day
Sweet text messages from Miss 11 and Miss 9
Cuddles from Mr 6
Mr 16 deciding he wants to stay in school
Lows of the Day
Pain (of course)
Not being able to read or watch TV


  1. OOOH! I love your highs/lows of the day! Great idea, may be stealing it from time to time.

  2. Please do...I'd love to hear everyone else's highs and lows of their days. I do this at the dinner table with the kids everynight. It encourages them to talk about their day. But I stole it from the Michelle Pfeiffer/Bruce Willis movie 'The Story of Us'. ssssshhhhh!
