I had a bit of excitement last Thursday. Miss 10 left her sports uniform at home so I told her I'd drop it off later so later, me and a friend went around to the school. As we approached the school we saw this guy standing inside the school gates. He seemed so suss, he was standing behind a mound of dirt facing towards the kids who were doing sport on the oval. I said to my friend 'what is that guy doing?' He slowed down and then he said 'he's jerking off!' He slammed on the brakes and started reversing up the road. I could see the guy grabbing at his pants to do them up then he started walking off...straight towards the school. We pulled up right opposite him and my friend was yelling 'Oi, Oi' at him. He wouldn't turn around, he just kept walking. My friend told me to call the police and went running after him. I called the police and told them there was a man exposing himself inside the school grounds. I sat there and waited and noticed that my friend had finally caught up with him right outside the school which was a fair distance away. As I was sitting there, I looked across the road and noticed the bus was sitting there running with the door open but there was no bus driver. Then it clicked....the pervert was the bus driver! The police showed up and questionned him. He said he was urinating and he was human and sometimes it happens. I said if you didn't think you were doing anything wrong why did you try to run away? He said that he had some time before the bus was supposed to take off so he thought he'd go for a walk. I said 'what a load of s**t!' I pointed out at least 5 places he could have peed without being seen. I said most people who pee in public make sure they're somewhere private and they face away from people, they don't face directly towards children. And even if he was just urinating as he claims, he still had his penis out in school grounds in full view of a whole group of kids. Creep! They actually let him drive off in his bus but luckily he'll have to go to court and the bus company is doing an investigation. That's what they reckon anyway. Surely they would have to speak to the witnesses if they were actually doing an investigation and I haven't heard from anyone. What a perve!
That is so sick! I wouldn't want him in the bus with my kids!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness!!! That guy should be GONE! They shouldn't have anyone like that around children if they are smart! Sheesh!
What a horrible experience. At least your interference stopped him. Hopefully, the go after the perv.
ReplyDeleteThat is so scary and disturbing. Freaks me out! I hope he isn't allowed to be around school children anymore.
ReplyDeleteYikes. I am feeling sick now. That's gross.
ReplyDeleteyeah, thats totally nasty. is there anything further that can be done about him? i hope so. Also, do australian people really say "Oi!" i dont mean to focus on that, but it made me smile, amidst the creepasaurus rex