I took the kids to see Whip It last week. It was so awesome. It was a great movie (made me cry in parts) and it reignited a passion in me that had been long gone. I loved to skate when I was a kid. Don't laugh but I used to put on the Xanadu soundtrack and skate around my backyard singing at the top of my voice. I was 7 so its cute rather than embarrassing right? Well thats what I tell myself anyway. I was so proud of my skates. They were exactly like Kira's and I had the best ones out of all my friends. And I was really good at it too. I could do all sorts of stuff on them.
My next goal was to add exercise into my life since cutting back on the Pepsi hasn't done much for my waistline. I was going to do the Couch to 5k program but I haven't been motivated to do it mainly because I hate to run! Then I thought 'why don't I skate instead?'
So I went straight out to get some skates. I was surprised to find that nowhere sold skates. I had to settle for a pair of rollerblades. I drove down to the park, sat in the car while I put them on, then fell out of the car. I was not prepared for the wheels to move out from under me so fast. I grazed my knee and my hand and broke my nail so far down that it bled. But I still went off skating and had such a fun time!
I went out again today. I hit a twig and a rock and slid through a puddle but still managed to stay upright. But the best thing was I was sweating like a pig! If this doesn't make me lose weight nothing will...