I can't believe its been 7 years since I bought the little pumpkin head home. It seems like a lifetime ago. He's still as cute now as he was then. Such a beautiful little boy who always makes me laugh. The things he says are priceless. His energy knows no bounds. He bounces from one wall to another, always getting into mischief which was why I think he was made so beautiful...because it makes it harder to be mad at him. I bought him a new bike, a bigger one with stunt pegs and such. Not that I want him to use them. He got on it and just flew away. I was going crazy with how fast he was going. He takes to anything like a fish to water. I am so proud of him...even if I do miss his littler version everyday.
Happy List
13. Feeling so proud of my kids
Hate List
15. My kids growing up
They grow so fast! Appreciate every moment...